Shortcut | Command |
General | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+A | Select all |
F2 or Cmnd+Shft+A | Deselect all |
Return | Rename selected layer, composition, folder,effect, group, or mask |
Enter on numeric keypad | Open selected layer, composition, or footageitem |
Cmnd+Optn+Down Arrow or Cmnd+Optn+UpArro | Move selected layers, masks, or effectsdown (back) or up (forward) in stacking order |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Down Arrow or Cmnd+Optn+ | Move selected layers, masks, or effectsto bottom (back) or top (front) of stacking order |
Shft+Down Arrow | Extend selection to next item in Projectpanel or Effect Controls panel |
Shft+Up Arrow | Extend selection to previous item in Projectpanel or Effect Controls panel |
Cmnd+D | Duplicate selected layers, masks, effects,text selectors, animators, puppet meshes, shapes, or compositions |
Cmnd+Q | Quit |
Cmnd+Z | Undo |
Cmnd+Shft+Z | Redo |
Cmnd+Optn+/ (on numeric keypad) | Purge all |
Working with projects | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+Optn+N | New project |
Cmnd+O | Open project |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+P | Open most recent project |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+N | New folder in Project panel |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+K | Open Project Settings dialog box |
Cmnd+Optn+G | Find in Project panel |
Optn+Shft+G | Find again in Project panel |
Optn-click bit-depth button at bottom of Project panel | Cycle through color bit depths for project |
Click bit-depth button at bottom of Project panel | Open Project Settings dialog box |
Working with preferences | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+Optn+; (semicolon) | Open Preferences dialog box |
Hold down Cmnd+Optn+Shft while starting After Effects | Restore default preferences settings |
Panels, viewers, workspaces and windows | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+0 | Open or close Project panel |
Cmnd+Optn+0 | Open or close Render Queue panel |
Cmnd+1 | Open or close Tools panel |
Cmnd+2 | Open or close Info panel |
Cmnd+3 | Open or close Time Controls panel |
Cmnd+4 | Open or close Audio panel |
Cmnd+5 | Open or close Effects & Presets panel |
Cmnd+6 | Open or close Character panel |
Cmnd+7 | Open or close Paragraph panel |
Cmnd+8 | Open or close Paint panel |
Cmnd+9 | Open or close Brush Tips panel |
F3 or Cmnd+Shft+T | Open or close Effect Controls panel forselected layer |
Cmnd+F11 | Open Flowchart panel for project flowchart |
Shft+F10, Shft+F11, or Shft+F12 | Switch to workspace |
Cmnd+W | Close active viewer or panel (closes contentfirst) |
Cmnd+Shft+W | Close active panel or all viewers of typeof active viewer (closes content first) |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+N | Split the frame containing the active viewerand create a new viewer with opposite locked/unlocked state |
` (accent grave) | Maximize or restore panel under pointer |
Cmnd+\ (backslash) | Resize application window or floating windowto fit screen. (Press again to resize window so that contents fillthe screen.) |
Cmnd+Optn+\ (backslash) | Move application window or floating windowto main monitor; resize window to fit screen. (Press again to resizewindow so that contents fill the screen.) |
\ (backslash) | Toggle activation between Composition paneland Timeline panel for current composition |
Shft+, (comma) or Shft+. (period) | Cycle to previous or next item in activeviewer |
Optn+Shft+, (comma) or Optn+Shft+.(period) | Cycle to previous or next panel in activeframe |
Activating tools | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Optn-click tool button in Tools panel | Cycle through tools |
V | Activate Selection tool |
H | Activate Hand tool |
Hold down spacebar. | Temporarily activate Hand tool |
Z | Activate Zoom In tool |
Optn (when Zoom In tool is active) | Activate Zoom Out tool |
W | Activate Rotation tool |
C | Activate and cycle through Camera tools(Orbit, Track XY, and Track Z) |
Y | Activate Pan Behind tool |
Q | Activate and cycle through mask and shapetools (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star) |
Cmnd+T | Activate and cycle through Type tools (Horizontaland Vertical) |
G | Activate and cycle through pen tools (Pen,Add Vertex, Delete Vertex, and Convert Vertex) |
Cmnd | Temporarily activate Selection tool whena pen tool is selected |
Cmnd+Optn | Temporarily activate pen tool when the Selectiontool is selected and pointer is over a path (Add Vertex tool whenpointer is over a segment; Convert Vertex tool when pointer is overa vertex) |
Cmnd+B | Activate and cycle through Brush, CloneStamp, and Eraser tools |
Cmnd+P | Activate and cycle through Puppet tools |
Optn (in shape layer) | Temporarily convert Selection tool to ShapeDuplication tool |
Cmnd (in shape layer) | Temporarily convert Selection tool to DirectSelection tool |
Working with compositions and the work area | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+N | New composition |
Cmnd+K | Open Composition Settings dialog box forselected composition |
Cmnd+Shft+B | Set composition background color |
B or N | Set beginning or end of work area to currenttime |
Cmnd+Optn+B | Set work area to duration of selected layersor, if no layers are selected, set work area to composition duration |
Working with previews | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
spacebar | Start or stop standard preview |
0 on numeric keypad* | RAM preview |
Shft+0 on numeric keypad* | RAM preview with alternate settings |
Cmnd-click RAM Preview button or press Cmnd+0 on numeric keypad | Save RAM preview |
Cmnd+Shft-click RAM Preview button or press Cmnd+Shft+0 on numeric keypad | Save RAM preview with alternate settings |
. (decimal point) on numeric keypad* | Preview only audio, from current time |
Optn+. (decimal point) on numeric keypad* | Preview only audio, in work area |
Drag or Optn-drag current-time indicator, depending on Live Update setting | Manually preview (scrub) video |
Cmnd-drag current-time indicator | Manually preview (scrub) audio |
Optn+0 on numeric keypad* | Wireframe preview |
Optn+Shft+0 on numeric keypad* | Wireframe preview, leaving panel contents |
/ (on numeric keypad) | Show current frame on video preview device |
Shft+/ (on numeric keypad) | Turn display color management on or offfor active view |
Cmnd+/ (on numeric keypad) | Toggle Output Device preference betweenDesktop Only and video preview device |
Shft+F5, Shft+F6, Shft+F7, or Shft+F8 | Take snapshot |
F5, F6, F7, or F8 | Display snapshot in active panel |
Cmnd+Shft+F5, Cmnd+Shft+F6, Cmnd+Shft+ | Purge snapshot |
Time navigation | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Optn+Shft+J | Go to specific time |
Shft+Home or Shft+End | Go to beginning or end of work area |
J or K | Go to previous or next visible item in timeruler (keyframe, marker, work area beginning or end) |
Home or Cmnd+Optn+Left Arrow | Go to beginning of composition, layer, orfootage item |
End or Cmnd+Optn+Right Arrow | Go to end of composition, layer, or footageitem |
Page Down or Cmnd+Right Arrow | Go forward 1 frame |
Shft+Page Down or Cmnd+Shft+Right Arrow | Go forward 10 frames |
Page Up or Cmnd+Left Arrow | Go backward 1 frame |
Shft+Page Up or Cmnd+Shft+Left Arrow | Go backward 10 frames |
I | Go to layer In point |
O | Go to layer Out point |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Left Arrow | Go to previous In point or Out point |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Right Arrow | Go to next In point or Out point |
D | Scroll to current time in Timeline panel |
Working with footage | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+I | Import one file or image sequence |
Cmnd+Optn+I | Import multiple files or image sequences |
Optn-double-click | Open movie in an After Effects Footage panel |
Cmnd+/ (on main keyboard) | Add selected items to most recently activatedcomposition |
Cmnd+Optn+/ (on main keyboard) | Replace selected layers' source footagewith footage item selected in Project panel |
Optn-drag footage item from Project panel onto selected layer | Replace a selected layer's source |
Cmnd+Delete | Delete a footage item without a warning |
Cmnd+F | Open Interpret Footage dialog box for selectedfootage item |
Cmnd+Optn+C | Remember footage interpretation |
Cmnd+E | Edit selected footage item in application with which it's associated (Edit Original) |
Cmnd+H | Replace selected footage item |
Cmnd+Optn+L | Reload selected footage items |
Cmnd+Optn+P | Set proxy for selected footage item |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Ctrl+Q | Scan for changed footage |
Using and modifying views | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Optn+1, Optn+2, Optn+3, Optn+4 | Show red, green, blue, or alpha channelas grayscale |
Optn+Shft+1, Optn+Shft+2, Optn+Shft+3 | Show colorized red, green, or blue channel |
Optn+Shft+4 | Toggle showing straight RGB color |
Double-click Hand tool | Reset view in the Composition panel to 100%and center composition in the panel |
. (period) on main keyboard | Zoom in in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel |
, (comma) | Zoom out in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel |
/ (on main keyboard) | Zoom to 100% in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel |
Shft+/ (on main keyboard) | Zoom to fit in Composition, Layer, or Footagepanel |
Optn+/ (on main keyboard) | Zoom up to 100% to fit in Composition, Layer,or Footage panel |
Cmnd+J, Cmnd+Shft+J, Cmnd+Optn+J | Set resolution to Full, Half, or Customin Composition panel |
Cmnd+Optn+U | Open View Options dialog box for activeComposition panel |
; (semicolon) | Zoom in Timeline panel to single-frame units |
= (equals sign) on main keyboard | Zoom in time |
=- (hyphen) on main keyboard | Zoom out time |
Caps Lock | Suspend image updates |
' (apostrophe) | Show or hide safe zones |
Cmnd+' (apostrophe) | Show or hide grid |
Optn+' (apostrophe) | Show or hide proportional grid |
Cmnd+R | Show or hide rulers |
Cmnd+; (semicolon) | Show or hide guides |
Cmnd+Shft+' (apostrophe) | Turn snapping to grid on or off |
Cmnd+Shft+; (semicolon) | Turn snapping to guides on or off |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+; (semicolon) | Lock or unlock guides |
Cmnd+Shft+H | Show or hide layer controls |
Effects and animation presets | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+Shft+E | Delete all effects from selected layers. |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+E | Apply most recently applied effect to selectedlayers. |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+F | Apply most recently applied animation presetto selected layers. |
Working with layers | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+Y | New solid layer |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Y | New null layer |
0-9 on numeric keypad* | Select layer (1-999) by its number (enterdigits rapidly for two-digit and three-digit numbers) |
Shft+0-9 on numeric keypad* | Toggle selection of layer (1-999) by itsnumber (enter digits rapidly for two-digit and three-digit numbers) |
Cmnd+Down Arrow | Select next layer in stacking order |
Cmnd+Up Arrow | Select previous layer in stacking order |
Cmnd+Shft+Down Arrow | Extend selection to next layer in stackingorder |
Cmnd+Shft+Up Arrow | Extend selection to previous layer in stackingorder |
Cmnd+Shft+A | Deselect all layers |
X | Scroll topmost selected layer to top ofTimeline panel |
Shft+F4 | Show or hide Parent column |
F4 | Show or hide Layer Switches and Modes columns |
Optn-click solo switch | Turn off all other solo switches |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+V | Turn Video switch on or off for selectedlayers |
Cmnd+Shft+V | Turn off Video switch for all video layersother than selected layers |
Cmnd+Shft+Y | Open settings dialog box for selected solid,light, camera, null, or adjustment layer |
Cmnd+Optn+V | Paste layers at current time |
Cmnd+Shft+D | Split selected layers (If no layers areselected, split all layers.) |
Cmnd+Shft+C | Precompose selected layers |
Cmnd+Shft+T | Open Effect Controls panel for selectedlayers |
Optn-double-click a layer | Open source of a layer in Footage panel |
Cmnd+Optn+R | Reverse selected layers in time |
Cmnd+Optn+T | Enable time remapping for selected layers |
[ (left bracket) or ] (right bracket) | Move In point or Out point of selected layersto current time |
Optn+[ (left bracket) or Optn+] (right bracket) | Trim In point or Out point of selected layers to current time |
Optn-click stopwatch | Add or remove expression for a property |
Double-click effect selection in Effects & Presets panel | Add an effect (or multiple selected effects)to selected layers |
Cmnd+Shft+, (comma) or Cmnd+Optn+,(comma) | Set In point or Out point by time-stretching |
Optn+Home | Move In point of selected layers to beginningof composition |
Optn+End | Move Out point of selected layers to endof composition |
Cmnd+L | Lock selected layers |
Cmnd+Shft+L | Unlock all layers |
Cmnd+U, Cmnd+Shft+U, Cmnd+Optn+Shft+U | Set Quality to Best, Draft, or Wireframefor selected layers |
Showing properties in the Timeline panel | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+` (accent grave) | Toggle expansion of selected layers to showall properties |
Cmnd-click triangle to the left of the property group name | Toggle expansion of property group and allchild property groups to show all properties |
A | Show only Anchor Point property (for lightsand cameras, Point Of Interest) |
L | Show only Audio Levels property |
F | Show only Mask Feather property |
M | Show only Mask Path property |
TT | Show only Mask Opacity property |
T | Show only Opacity property (for lights,Intensity) |
P | Show only Position property |
R | Show only Rotation and Orientation properties |
RR | Show only Time Remap property |
S | Show only Scale property |
E | Show only Effects property group |
MM | Show only mask property groups |
AA | Show only Material Options property group(3D) |
EE | Show only expressions |
UU | Show only modified properties |
PP | Show only paint strokes and Puppet pins |
LL | Show only audio waveform |
U | Show only properties with keyframes or expressions |
SS | Show only selected properties and groups |
Optn+Shft-click property or group name | Hide property or group |
Shft+property or group shortcut | Add or remove property or group from setthat is shown |
Optn+Shft+property shortcut | Add or remove keyframe at current time |
Modifying properties | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Drag property value | Modify property value by default increments |
Shft-drag property value | Modify property value by 10x default increments |
Cmnd-drag property value | Modify property value by 1/10 default increments |
Cmnd+Alt+O | Open Auto-Orientation dialog box for selectedlayers |
Cmnd+Shft+O | Open Opacity dialog box for selected layers |
Cmnd+Shft+R | Open Rotation dialog box for selected layers |
Cmnd+Shft+P | Open Position dialog box for selected layers |
arrow key | Move selected layers 1 pixel at currentmagnification (Position) |
Shft+arrow key | Move selected layers 10 pixels at currentmagnification (Position) |
Optn+Page Up or Optn+Page Down | Move selected layers 1 frame earlier orlater |
Optn+Shft+Page Up or Optn+Shft+PageDown | Move selected layers 10 frames earlier orlater |
=+ (plus) or - (minus) on numeric keypad | Increase or decrease Rotation (Z Rotation)of selected layers by 1º |
Shft++ (plus) or Shft+- (minus) on numeric keypad | Increase or decrease Rotation (Z Rotation)of selected layers by 10º |
Optn++ (plus) or Optn+- (minus) on numeric keypad | Increase or decrease Scale of selected layers by 1% |
Optn+Shft++ (plus) or Optn+Shft+- (minus) on numeric keypad | Increase or decrease Scale of selected layers by 10% |
Shft-drag with Rotation tool | Modify Rotation or Orientation in 45º increments |
Shft-drag layer handle with Selection tool | Modify Scale, constrained to footage frameaspect ratio |
Double-click Rotation tool | Reset Rotation to 0º |
Double-click Selection tool | Reset Scale to 100% |
Cmnd+Optn+F | Scale and reposition selected layers tofit composition |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+H | Scale and reposition selected layers tofit composition width, preserving aspect ratio |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+G | Scale and reposition selected layers tofit composition height, preserving aspect ratio |
3D layers | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
F10 | Switch to 3D view 1 (defaults to Front) |
F11 | Switch to 3D view 2 (defaults to CustomView 2) |
F12 | Switch to 3D view 3 (defaults to ActiveCamera) |
Esc | Return to previous view |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+L | New light |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+C | New camera |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+\ | Move the camera and its point of interestto look at selected 3D objects |
Optn+Shft+C | Turn Casts Shadows property on or off forselected 3D layers |
Keyframes | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Shft+F3 | Toggle between Graph Editor and layer barmodes |
Click property name | Select all keyframes for a property |
Cmnd+Optn+A | Select all visible keyframes and properties |
Shft+F2 or Cmnd+Optn+Shft+A | Deselect all keyframes, properties, andproperty groups |
Optn+Right Arrow or Optn+Left Arrow | Move keyframe 1 frame later or earlier |
Optn+Shft+Right Arrow or Optn+Shft+Left Arrow | Move keyframe 10 frames later or earlier |
Cmnd+Optn+K | Set interpolation for selected keyframes(layer bar mode) |
Cmnd+Optn+H | Set keyframe interpolation method to holdor Auto Bezier |
Cmnd-click in layer bar mode | Set keyframe interpolation method to linearor Auto Bezier |
Cmnd+Optn-click in layer bar mode | Set keyframe interpolation method to linearor hold |
F9 | Easy ease selected keyframes |
Shft+F9 | Easy ease selected keyframes in |
Cmnd+Shft+F9 | Easy ease selected keyframes out |
Cmnd+Shft+K | Set velocity for selected keyframes |
Optn+Shft+property shortcut | Add or remove keyframe at current time |
Working with text | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+T | New text layer |
Cmnd+Shft+L, C, or R | Align selected horizontal text left, center,or right |
Cmnd+Shft+L, C, or R | Align selected vertical text top, center,or bottom |
Shft+Right Arrow or Shft+Left Arrow | Extend or reduce selection by one characterto right or left in horizontal text |
Cmnd+Shft+Right Arrow or Cmnd+Shft+LeftArr | Extend or reduce selection by one word toright or left in horizontal text |
Shft+Up Arrow or Shft+Down Arrow | Extend or reduce selection by one line upor down in horizontal text |
Shft+Right Arrow or Shft+Left Arrow | Extend or reduce selection by one line toright or left in vertical text |
Cmnd+Shft+Up Arrow or Cmnd+Shft+DownArrow | Extend or reduce selection one word up ordown in vertical text |
Shft+Up Arrow or Shft+Down Arrow | Extend or reduce selection by one characterup or down in vertical text |
Shft+Home or Shft+End | Select text from insertion point to beginningor end of line |
Home or End | Move insertion point to beginning or endof line |
Double-click text layer | Select all text on a layer |
Cmnd+Shft+Home or Cmnd+Shft+End | Select text from insertion point to beginningor end of text frame |
Shft-click | Select text from insertion point to mouseclick point |
Left Arrow or Right Arrow; Up Arrow or Down Arrow; Cmnd+Left Arrow or Cmnd+Right Arrow; or Com | In horizontal text, move insertion point one character left or right; one line up or down; one word left or right; or one paragraph up or down |
Up Arrow or Down Arrow; Left Arrow or Right Arrow; Cmnd+Up Arrow or Cmnd+Down Arrow; or Comman | In vertical text, move insertion point one character up or down; one left or right; one word up or down; or one paragraph left or right |
Double-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, or quintuple-click with Type tool | Select word, line, paragraph, or entire text frame |
Cmnd+Shft+K | Turn All Caps on or off for selected text |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+K | Turn Small Caps on or off for selected text |
Cmnd+Shft+= (equals) | Turn Superscript on or off for selectedtext |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+= (equals) | Turn Subscript on or off for selected text |
Cmnd+Shft+X | Set horizontal scale to 100% for selectedtext |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+X | Set vertical scale to 100% for selectedtext |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+A | Auto leading for selected text |
Cmnd+Shft+Ctrl+Q | Reset tracking to 0 for selected text |
Cmnd+Shft+J | Justify paragraph; left align last line |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+J | Justify paragraph; right align last line |
Cmnd+Shft+F | Justify paragraph; force last line |
Cmnd+Shft+, (comma) or Cmnd+Shft+.(period) | Decrease or increase type size of selectedtext by 2 units |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+, (comma) or Cmnd+Optn+S | Decrease or increase type size of selectedtext by 10 units |
Optn+Down Arrow or Optn+Up Arrow | Increase or decrease leading by 2 units |
Cmnd+Optn+Down Arrow or Cmnd+Optn+UpArro | Increase or decrease leading by 10 units |
Optn+Shft+Down Arrow or Optn+Shft+UpArrow | Decrease or increase baseline shift by 2units |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+Down Arrow or Cmnd+Optn+ | Decrease or increase baseline shift by 10units |
Optn+Left Arrow or Optn+Right Arrow | Decrease or increase kerning or tracking20 units (20/1000 ems) |
Cmnd+Optn+Left Arrow or Cmnd+Optn+RightA | Decrease or increase kerning or tracking100 units (100/1000 ems) |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+T | Toggle paragraph composer |
Working with masks | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+Shft+N | New mask |
Optn-click mask | Select all points in a mask |
Optn+` (grave accent) or Optn+Shft+` (grave accent) | Select next or previous mask |
Double-click mask with Selection tool or select mask in Timeline panel and press Cmnd+T | Enter free-transform mask editing mode |
Esc | Exit free-transform mask editing mode |
Cmnd-drag | Scale around center point in Free Transformmode |
arrow key | Move selected path points 1 pixel at currentmagnification |
Shft+arrow key | Move selected path points 10 pixels at currentmagnification |
Cmnd+Optn-click point | Toggle between smooth and corner points |
Cmnd+Optn-drag point | Redraw handles |
Cmnd+Shft+I | Invert selected mask |
Cmnd+Shft+F | Open Mask Feather dialog box for selectedmask |
Cmnd+Shft+M | Open Mask Shape dialog box for selectedmask |
Working with paint tools | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
X | Swap paint background color and foregroundcolors |
D | Set paint foreground color to black andbackground color to white |
Optn-click | Set foreground color to the color currentlyunder any paint tool pointer |
Cmnd+Optn-click | Set foreground color to the average colorof a 4-pixel x 4-pixel area under any paint tool pointer |
Cmnd-drag | Set a paint tool's brush size |
Cmnd-drag, then release Cmnd whiledragging | Set a paint tool's brush hardness |
Hold Shft while beginning stroke | Join current paint stroke to the previousstroke |
Optn-click | Set starting sample point to point currentlyunder Clone Stamp tool pointer |
Cmnd+Shft | Momentarily activate Eraser tool with LastStroke Only option |
Optn+Shft-drag with Clone Stamp tool | Show and move overlay. (Change aligned CloneStamp tool's Offset value or change unaligned Clone Stamptool's Source Position value.) |
Optn-click the preset | Duplicate a Clone Stamp tool preset in Paintpanel |
Digit on numeric keypad (e.g., 9=90%, 1=10%) | Set a paint tool's opacity |
. (decimal) on numeric keypad* | Set a paint tool's opacity to 100% |
Shft+a digit on numeric keypad (e.g., 9=90%, 1=10%) | Set a paint tool's flow |
Shft+. (decimal) on numeric keypad* | Set a paint tool's flow to 100% |
Cmnd+Page Up or Cmnd+Page Down | Move earlier or later by number of framesspecified for stroke Duration |
Working with shape layers | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+G | Group selected shapes |
Cmnd+Shft+G | Ungroup selected shapes |
Select Path property in Timeline panel and press Cmnd+T | Enter free-transform path editing mode |
Page Up when dragging to create shape | Increase star inner roundness |
Page Down when dragging to create shape | Decrease star inner roundness |
Up Arrow when dragging to create shape | Increase number of points for star or polygon;increase roundness for rounded rectangle |
Down Arrow when dragging to create shape | Decrease number of points for star or polygon;decrease roundness for rounded rectangle |
Hold spacebar when dragging to create shape | Reposition shape during creation |
Left Arrow when dragging to create shape | Set rounded rectangle roundness to 0 (sharpcorners); decrease polygon and star outer roundness |
Right Arrow when dragging to create shape | Set rounded rectangle roundness to maximum;increase polygon and star outer roundness |
Shft when dragging to create shape | Constrain rectangles to squares; constrainellipses to circles; constrain polygons and stars to zero rotation |
Cmnd when dragging to create shape | Change outer radius of star |
Working with markers | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
* (multiply) on numeric keypad | Set layer-time marker at current time (worksduring RAM preview and audio-only preview) |
Optn+* (multiply) on numeric keypad | Set layer-time marker at current time andopen marker dialog box |
Shft+0-9 on main keyboard | Set and number a composition-time marker(0-9) at the current time |
0-9 on main keyboard | Go to a composition-time marker (0-9) |
Optn-click the markers or keyframes | See the duration between two layer-timemarkers or keyframes in the Info panel |
Cmnd-click marker | Remove marker |
Motion tracking | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
arrow key | Move feature region, search region, andattach point 1 pixel at current magnification |
Shft+arrow key | Move feature region, search region, andattach point 10 pixels at current magnification |
Optn+arrow key | Move feature region and search region 1pixel at current magnification |
Optn+Shft+arrow key | Move feature region and search region 10pixels at current magnification |
Saving, exporting and rendering | |
Adobe After Effects CS3 | |
Cmnd+S | Save project |
Cmnd+Optn+Shft+S | Increment and save project |
Cmnd+Shft+S | Save As |
Cmnd+Shft+/ (on main keyboard) | Add active composition or selected itemsto render queue |
Cmnd+M | Add active or selected composition to renderqueue and specify name of output file (Make Movie) |
Cmnd+Optn+S | Add current frame to render queue |
Cmnd+Shft+D | Duplicate render item with same output filenameas original |
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